Johann Baptist Homann | Mapa świata (Planiglobii Terrestris Cum Utroq[ue] Hemisphario Calesti Generalis Exhibitio), 1715
Cena wywoławcza: 4,800 zł
6,000 zł - 9,000 zł
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Obrazy Świata. Mapy i Widoki Miast
48,5 x 55,5 cm (zadruk)
miedzioryt kolorowany/papier, 48,5 x 55,5 cm (zadruk), Planigloby - mapa Świata ukazująca dwie półkule ziemskie, po środku, u góry i na dole dwie mapki nieba. W górnej części mapy wstęga tytułowa podtrzymywana przez dwa putta. W dolnych rogach przedstawione zostały zjawiska nartury, poniżej tekst w języku łacińskim. Mapa po raz pierwszy ukazała się w roku 1707. Wczesna edycja mapy, Kalifornia pokazana jako wyspa
- Do kwoty wylicytowanej doliczana jest opłata aukcyjna. Stanowi ona część końcowej ceny obiektu i wynosi 18%.
Map of the World (Planiglobii Terrestris Cum Utroq[ue] Hemisphario Calesti Generalis Exhibitio), 1715
coloured copperplate/paper, 48.5 x 55.5 cm (image); Decorative double hemisphere map of the world, richly embellished with Celestial models of the northern and southern hemispheres and other natural phenomena.
The map includes many famous cartographic inaccuracies. It also shows an incomplete Australia, although with place names and notes of the early discoverers included.
The allegorical scenes around the map are a rich combination of science, fantasy, and artwork, including two celestial hemispheres, Mount Etna erupting, numerous natural phenomena of land and sea, and representations of movements of the sun.
The map first appeared in 1707,
Additional Charge Details
- In addition to the hammer price, the successful bidder agrees to pay us a buyer's premium on the hammer price of each lot sold. On all lots we charge 18 % of the hammer price.
- Do kwoty wylicytowanej doliczana jest opłata aukcyjna. Stanowi ona część końcowej ceny obiektu i wynosi 18%.
Map of the World (Planiglobii Terrestris Cum Utroq[ue] Hemisphario Calesti Generalis Exhibitio), 1715
coloured copperplate/paper, 48.5 x 55.5 cm (image); Decorative double hemisphere map of the world, richly embellished with Celestial models of the northern and southern hemispheres and other natural phenomena.
The map includes many famous cartographic inaccuracies. It also shows an incomplete Australia, although with place names and notes of the early discoverers included.
The allegorical scenes around the map are a rich combination of science, fantasy, and artwork, including two celestial hemispheres, Mount Etna erupting, numerous natural phenomena of land and sea, and representations of movements of the sun.
The map first appeared in 1707,
Additional Charge Details
- In addition to the hammer price, the successful bidder agrees to pay us a buyer's premium on the hammer price of each lot sold. On all lots we charge 18 % of the hammer price.
Stan zachowania
praca oprawiona
miedzioryt kolorowany/papier