Dominik Smolik | Blackbird singing in the dead of night, 2019
1,000 zł
1,100 zł
Aukcja na żywo
Młoda Sztuka
Dominik Smolik (1982)
125 x 140 cm
akryl/płótno, 125 x 140 cm; sygnowany, datowany i opisany na odwrociu: 'DOMINIK | SMOLIK | "BLACKBIRD | SINGING IN THE | DEAD OF NIGHT" | AKRYL / CZARNE | PÓŁTNO LNIANE | 125 X 140 CM | KRAKÓW | MMXIX | Dominik Smolik'
- Do kwoty wylicytowanej doliczana jest opłata aukcyjna. Stanowi ona część końcowej ceny obiektu i wynosi 18%.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night, 2019
acrylic on canvas, 125 x 140 cm, signed, dated and described on the reverse: 'DOMINIK | SMOLIK | "BLACKBIRD | SINGING IN THE | DEAD OF NIGHT" | AKRYL / CZARNE | POLTNO LNIANE | 125 X 140 CM | KRAKOW | MMXIX | Dominik Smolik'
Additional Charge Details:
- In addition to the hammer price, the successful bidder agrees to pay us a buyer's premium on the hammer price of each lot sold. On all lots we charge 18 % of the hammer price.
- Do kwoty wylicytowanej doliczana jest opłata aukcyjna. Stanowi ona część końcowej ceny obiektu i wynosi 18%.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night, 2019
acrylic on canvas, 125 x 140 cm, signed, dated and described on the reverse: 'DOMINIK | SMOLIK | "BLACKBIRD | SINGING IN THE | DEAD OF NIGHT" | AKRYL / CZARNE | POLTNO LNIANE | 125 X 140 CM | KRAKOW | MMXIX | Dominik Smolik'
Additional Charge Details:
- In addition to the hammer price, the successful bidder agrees to pay us a buyer's premium on the hammer price of each lot sold. On all lots we charge 18 % of the hammer price.
sygnowany, datowany i opisany na odwrociu: 'DOMINIK | SMOLIK | "BLACKBIRD | SINGING IN THE | DEAD OF NIGHT" | AKRYL / CZARNE | PÓŁTNO LNIANE | 125 X 140 CM | KRAKÓW | MMXIX | Dominik Smolik'